Everyone knows that getting a DUI/DWI is an expensive situation to find yourself in. Attorneys fees and time lost from work can really add up, but did you know that insurance doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg? There are options when it comes to insurance. Getting convicted of a DUI / DWI will cause 12 insurance points to be added to your policy. Most carriers will drop the collision and comprehensive off your policy and only allow liability. One other option that may be offered is to rewrite the customer to a non-preferred policy with the collision and comprehensive coverage with an EXTREMELY high rate. You can usually figure about $100-$150 per point on top of what you were paying and that's a lot of money. Luckily, there are insurance carriers that are willing to write a policy with collision and comprehensive at an acceptable rate. Ex. I completed a policy for a customer that was convicted of a DUI and the ANNUAL rate was $1400, which included two vehicles with collision and comprehensive. How is this possible? I inquired with the carrier and here is what I was told. Most people find the whole DUI experience to be unpleasant and it's a one and done deal. They will never get one again and the carrier recognizes this. They are willing to write the policy at a standard rate and stick with them throughout the process to secure a long lasting relationship with the individual.
If you find yourself in this situation and your auto insurance rates are unbearable, give me a call and let's see what we can do.